Thanks for responding, I may have I have missed a step to make it work, do we need to programmatically provide a gravity level in Unity somewhere? I didn't see a method for it through the SkeletonAnimation api.
Downloaded and run with spine-unity 4.2-beta (updated 2024-01-12), if it's not this version please let me know I will test again. I think it is correct though as I see the changes in the source.
I added a couple of break points to see if it hits those changes and it does, it seems to be applying gravity to the data structure.

Seems to make it to PhysicsConstraint.cs constructor

makes it down here

Also tried it with another one of our spines that uses 100 gravity for hair with a test pose to make it more obvious, 2023 blank project with default unity settings with SkeletonAnimation pulled into an otherwise blank scene to make sure its not any of our current projects settings screwing things up.
Hair not applying gravity

100 Gravity hair successfully working in Spine Editor

These gravities are set up in the setup pose in editor not in the animation timeline if that helps.
P.S. these physics constraints have really been impressive! It's a game changer for our productivity.