porcupine - thanks for sharing, what a fun 'dragongoat' model, also nice smooth animations.
I do suggest for 'clipping' of the character to create a transparent image in Spine at the size of the 'area' you want to animate (e.g. the range of movement), then you can keep the scale at 1. The transparent image can be a a simple 10x10 image that you stretch in Spine to cover the area (so it does not take up much room in the texture pack / atlas.) The transparent image won't move / be animated.
From the doc page:
'Alternatively create a large transparent image in the Spine project behind your Spine character, this will can be used to set the bounding box size for the C3 spine render.'
Also for 'big' movement like jumping, I would animate it 'in place' on Spine and use C3 ACEs to move the player/Spine object for the jump (they can pinned together or use an ACE to match the positions.)
If you want to get more perf, you can also try playing with render rate (setting to '2' for 30 fps render is a pretty good tradeoff.)
Release 1.25.3 Bug fix: animation complete hang, export module fix
Release 1.25.1 Advance animation 1s after applying set animation, apply color, set skin, so they will take effect when an animation mix value is present.
Release 1.25.0 Advance animation one tick after applying set animation, apply color, set skin, so they will take effect, fix Set and Apply color C3 module mode bugs.
Release 1.24.0 Disable render when animation is complete (end of animation) or animation is stopped (perf optimization).
Release 1.26.1 Return w/o JS error from Expression/Conditions if skeleton not loaded.
Release 1.26.0 Add per instance debug enable ACE, return w/o JS error from Actions if skeleton not loaded.
Recent updates:
Release 1.36.1 setTracksListner guard clause (do not crash if skeleton is not initialized or removed.)
Release 1.36.0 Init refactor (internal clean up)
Release 1.35.0 Fix current time event regression, no apply() in setAnimation (save some CPU)
Release 1.34.2 Fix bbox ACEs w/ flipped animation
Release 1.34.1 bone control optimization, repeated init bug fix.
Release 1.34.0 Add ACE for render quality control
Release 1.33.1 Add render once for Bone control actions
Release 1.33.0 Bone control Conditions and Expressions
Release 1.32.0 Bone control Actions
Release 1.31.0 Add gl parameter cache for future optimization to not get gl state parameters every tick.
Release 1.30.1 Disable idle animation updates (via debug variable control, set 'reduceAnimation' to 'enable'.
Release 1.27.3 Correct idle and offscreen detection
Release 1.27.3 Correct idle and offscreen detection
Release 1.27.2 Advance animation/slot render while off screen.
Release 1.27.1 Add updateCurrentAnimation check if animatioName exists and warn if not.
Release 1.27.0 Add parameters and UID to Action console warnings for debug.
Release 1.26.1 Return w/o JS error from Expression/Conditions if skeleton not loaded.