MikalDev लिखाWhen you talk, Vuvo talks. When you're loud, Vuvo starts hopping and talking angerly. When you are quiet, it has five different idle animations to entertain the crowd.
Nicely done, and so funny! Good job! 8)
MikalDev लिखाWhen you talk, Vuvo talks. When you're loud, Vuvo starts hopping and talking angerly. When you are quiet, it has five different idle animations to entertain the crowd.
Nicely done, and so funny! Good job! 8)
As just discovered, support for Spine 4 is still being worked on, but that's not a problem. Just in case someone is a blind and stupid person, such as myself, here's a helpful tip. You don't need to search the internet and use weird commands with skeletonviewer.jar, you can just pick an export version in the export screen :zipper:
Yep! Glad you found that, but please be warned that going from 4.0 to an earlier version will lose the Bezier curves in your animations.
Yes, the exporter warned me about that. During development it's gonna be fine, I can easily change it later. But I am looking forward to having pretty pathways again, such as the smoke in this test
I might be missing something, so I better ask. Is there a way for me to know where the character at it's default animation will be positioned? The position looks weirdly arbitrary. I would expect the root bone to be in the center or something. Is there a way for me to define the center in Spine, maybe?
Spine doesn't do any repositioning of your skeleton during export if you pick the .json or .skel format. The root bone position inside your Spine project relative to the origin will be the position that's applied when importing into the runtime.
Maybe I turn out to be dumb but... Spine object in construct doesn't have an origin. Is there some sort of origin within Spine that I'm unaware of?
**edit: I'm guessing it's the center of the graph... but it's so weird and doesn't make sense or I'm doing something dumb.
This is what it looks like in Spine. Root is in the absolute center, everything is above and left of it
This is the setup in Construct. It is huge
This is in-game. Mostly above ant to the right of the center
This object is not a problem since it doesn't go anywhere. But some characters should run around later and it might pose problems if I have to just splatter huge objects everywhere :/
**edit: Found out that's directly related to "scale" and "render quality" inside construct. If I put both to exactly 1 and "keep aspect", everything starts from the bottom-right of the furthest points of animation...
The size of your skeleton at runtime is separate from the origin. It is common to scale your skeleton (either by scaling the root bone or scaling the data when loaded) to match the units used in your game. For example, some Unity users scale the skeleton using 0.01
when loading the data.
The origin is world 0,0 in Spine. At runtime your skeleton's world 0,0 corresponds to where you position the skeleton (note the root bone can be placed elsewhere). I can't tell what is going on from your screenshot because it shows only a box around the skeleton (note the skeleton's bounding box can vary depending on the skeleton's pose), not the origin (which is a single point). Unless you mean the red arrow is the origin? In that case it looks like something in the Construct plugin is incorrect.
Oh... It might be also because I shrunk the root bone. Okay, that might make sense! Thanks
More updates, details on github
1.48.0 Scripting interface for Apply slot colors, scripting interface for addCustomSkinOutfit (quickly update custom skin from object)
1.47.5 Make compatible with ProUI plugin for scroll lists
1.47.3 Add bounding box override checkbox (can set bounding box in property, no need for transparent bounding box)
1.46.0 More animation scripting interfaces
1.45.0 Animation scripting interfaces
1.44.0 Palette loading optimization (if only a few palette entries need an update, just update those areas of the palette texture, otherwise update the entire palette texture.)
It's me again with more stupid questions
I want a particle system on top of the staff, so it follows the staff. But I'm not sure I'm making the right syntax. Instead of X being on bone, X becomes zero
The target bone is called staff_particles obviously.
I also tried "root" and "torso1", it always turns to zero
Interestingly, when I break the animation (like, remove it's name from the atlas, json etc), particle system stays where I put it. It doesn't become zero.
You want to be using Bounding Box attached to a bone instead:
Then you can use the bounding box center expressions to track where the bone is.
See the bounding box example for details (don't forget to turn off worker mode for that project though!)
Additional updates
Oh btw the test object didn't work with the new version of the plugin until I added a Bounding Box. Maybe it's a coincidence.
**edit: Nvm it was the Enable Worker thing. Main project runs beautifully now <3
Anyway, I did the Bounding Box and it didn't help, particles still reset to 0,0. I'm probably doing something incredibly stupid, but I have no idea what D:
1.50.2 Fix for worker mode now released.
For the bounding box are you doing the UpdateBBoxes ACE before calling the expressions? Also, see the example project.
From the README.md:
SpineBBoxCenterX, SpineBBoxCenterY expressions give the average of the named slot/bbox polygon points. Useful for attaching C3 Sprite object/collision box to the center of the Bounding Box.
The UpdateBBoxes updates the bounding box to the current point in the animation. It should be done just once per tick per instance before the SpineBBoxCenterX/Y expressions are used.
Also check the dev console, do you see any errors or warnings?
NOW IT WORKS!!! kinda... Thank you <3
Here, you can see the experiment.
As you might have noticed, I'm more of an animator, not really a programmer, so I get hung up on basic things
There is also a fair number of errors and they seem to be connected to BBox
Also, I found this in the example project, it's going to be very helpful in the future since I tend to resize things a lot.
Getting there! If you want to send me the project I can take a look. You can DM me on twitter or on the Construct Community Discord (Mikal). I use sendgb.com to share project files usually.
Spine 4.0 beta test ongoing, you must export from Spine 4.0 (3.8 exports will not work.)
If you already have experience with Spine and the C3 plug-in, try it out. If you have not used the C3 plug-in before, I recommend staying with the current 3.8 version as the new 4.0 beta may have bugs.
4.0 beta:
Spine 4.1 support added. Yay! Sequence animation support!
Updated to add spine-ts 4.1.19 runtime, also added Load Files ACE
See updates here:
Release 2.5.0
Add zElevation standard property and ACEs.
first of all, great job!
Secondly, In JS runtime you can change any slot skins in runtime by creating new custom skin or even replacing the single slot.
( https://github.com/pixijs/spine/blob/master/examples/change_skin.md )
There is a way to do that in construct? (except from use the js sdk directly)
Case of use: a character with different skin and I would like to mix-and-match slots
You can, check out the ACEs for create new skin, add skin and apply skin.
Fix C3 324 compat and set region ACE for 4.1
Interesting information
Update to runtime 4.2 (physics, pixel mode)
Please review: gritsenko/c3_spine_pluginreleases/tag/2.9.0
Thanks to the donation, I sped up work on this.
Please test, I have not done much with physics myself, so I don't what additional ACEs (if any) are needed.
I did add the ACE Set physics mode w/ the default being 'update'
If you have a physics project to share, post a link here or send me a DM on Construct Community Discord server, so I can help further test.
Noticed one change needed in our work