It's Creature (there's a discussion thread about it somewhere on the forum). They have rolled out a UMG integration about a month ago, it's in beta, but seems to be working pretty good. So far we're not a huge fans of the software itself because of many reasons. But UI animations in UE4 are an absolute must for us to have, so we're torn in between right now.
Our animators love Spine and have experience with it going way back from KS days, but so far there were no words from Spine team on UMG integration and that's a kinda bummer...
badlogic लिखाSorry, I've totally missed your post. I've added an issue to the tracker here [ue4] Add UMG support · #1047
It seems that I can paint a procedural mesh in a widget implementation, so there shouldn't be any technical hurdles (apart from maybe tint black support, which requires an additional vertex attribute). I'm afraid I won't get to this before the new year.
You said UE4 integration could be improved overall. Please let us know what you think could be done better!
Sorry, missed your post also - noticed it after replying to InnerChild). Thank you very much for addressing this feature, it's a really important one for us (and for the UE4 2d community as well). If you can deliver even a prototype in a separate branch - that would be really helpful as it would give us understanding of whether we'll be able to use Spine for all of our needs.
As for the overall improvements:
1) animations dropdown list - I'm not sure, but you had something like this coming up in the next plugin versions, but I'll still add this: it would be cool if all text fields for animations would be replaced with dropdowns that could be listed in the array or a similar format with validation and so on.
2) blend overrides - it's quite handy when you can override animations blend time just for one particular case when using "Set animation" node, right in the node itself.
3) latest plugin version gives us UE4 editor crash when importing JSON (no issues with .skel though)
4) we are not sure if this one is a plugin issue or else, but we're getting something like "LODs not loading properly" issue in editor and cooked build (see attachment)