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Animation Duplication
hi everyone !
I saw some post about this kind of topic but none gave me an answer, so here i am.
I'm using Spine for some month now, but i still have to learn some stuff for improving my workflow.
The problems i get now is :
I'm trying to do a kind of industrial animation with several object doing the same thing but with different orientation. (Bones and mesh modification). And the best would be that I can change only one to change them all!
And finally, we'll use that animation in Unity so what would be the most effective? If that can cost less to the CPU that could be great!
And, i also wanted to know if we can copy and paste some part of animation from one file to another ?
Thank's everyone!
See ya!
To answer your fist question, you should use transform constraints
. More about them can be read here: Transform Constraints - Spine User Guide and if you navigate to the spine example projects in your spine installation folder there's the Tank project which illustrates pretty well through its gears how you can put them at use
About second question, yes you can. The bones should have the same names, you can import a spine project file inside another and then choose to import an animation of your choice.
Thanks for your answer.
I saw the Transform constraints (Didn't used it yet) but the problem is, that apparently doesn't take the mesh modification in count, right ?
For the second question. i'm not use off big animations yet, but when i import some other file that create a different Skeleton. meaning (i guess) that is not linked inside the current skeleton. Let's say i made a hand animation in one file and i want to re-use this animation in another file on another character. Can i do that ?
Thanks again !
i just tried the Transform constraints.
For example, in this animation I have 4 kinds of clamps that hold an object against a wall. So they are all oriented towards the center of the object. I would like these clamps to open outwardly, as another part "rises" towards us, as if it were opening. I will play with the scaling for this last part but I may also modify the mesh. (But I do not have the impression that changing the mesh of the constraint clamp, changes the mesh on the 4, am i right?)
And when I test there, although I try to play with offset or axes, I do not find a way to make them all go to the outside of the objects for example. If I take the clamp to the right of the object (which is the constraint) and make it go right, all the other clamps go to right to. Is there any way to deal with that?
Thanks again :p
Remember you can always bind a mesh to a bone so you don't have to directly manipulate a mesh. If you manage to bind all the parts you need to move to bones it will make your life easier.
When you import a project you can choose if you wish to import a whole new skeleton or just the animation:
If you select the animation you can then choose in which skeleton to import it to, the animation in question, the name it should have etc. :
Therefore yes, you can reuse the animation.
If you directly manipulate a mesh, since the mesh itself is indipendent from the transform constraint, the transformation won't be reflected on other places of the mesh/meshes. That's why manipulating meshes through bones is suggested.
You can play with offset to rotate your other bones, but you can also set a constraint to, for example, -100 rotation, this will make the influenced bone mirror what the target bone is doing.
Thank you for your answer !
So yes, i have still a lot to learn !
I don't really get how the offset work, when i do this setting, sometime it's work, sometime not, i guess i do something wrong somewhere. i'll get it in time.
So you suggest to do never manipulate mesh by itself ? But sometime it's very hard to do without it. I guess i still need to learn more basics of Spine.
i got one question :
What is better ? Divide each important parts of one animation on different skeletons, or do all the animation in only one skeletons ? Depending on the use of spine and the integration in unity i guess.
Hello FogRyu (:
yep, if you're willing to post/PM me an example I can help you figure out how to do it.
About the question, it depends, if it's a limb of the body it's better to have it all in one skeleton, if it's something external, or that maybe is present only in some very specific animations and 90% not, then it's a good idea to have it on a separate skeleton, make the origins match and animate them together. I tend to choose the firt option most of the times, but it depends on what you're working on. Remember you can always hide unused bones and attachments from the viewport.