As Shiu said, there currently isn't a way to do this sort of automation inside Spine.
You could control the mouse with some other program, then play back mouse movements, clicks, and keyboard presses. This may give you what you want, but would be sensitive to Spine window and view position and so unlikely to be shareable with others. Likely you'd do an action once to record it, then play it back many times. Some actions may not be possible to repeat, or may require some thought
be sure to consider these Spine shortcuts:
Child: ctrl + shift + DOWN
Previous Sibling: ctrl + shift + LEFT
Next Sibling: ctrl + shift + RIGHT
Expand/Collapse: ctrl + shift + ENTER
Parent Bone: ctrl + UP
Child Bone: ctrl + DOWN
Previous Sibling Bone: ctrl + LEFT
Next Sibling Bone: ctrl + RIGHT
AutoHotkey is a (very weird) scripting language. You might be better off with something like Mouse recorder which I found as the first Google result, but I have no first-hand experience with it. I use keyboard recording in Notepad++ and Eclipse (through a plugin called PracticallyMacro) for doing repetitive tasks, but I've not tried mouse or keyboard recording for general application usage. Maybe that's something my wonderful Clippy should do... :o
Another way to do what you want is to generate JSON and then import it into Spine. Doing that is unlikely to be as fast and intuitive as mouse and keyboard recording. It may still be useful, especially when you create the JSOn in Spine. Eg, you mentioned creating some specific stuff when you create a new skeleton. For that, do it once, export to JSON, then import the JSON any time you need a new skeleton with that stuff.
Another thing you can do is export to JSON, process the JSON, then import it back. This is what the JsonRollback tool does. This is not really animator friendly though, it's more something that a programmer would need to setup and would only make sense if the time it takes to write the code to munge the JSON is a lot less than it takes doing it through the Spine UI.