Could we have an extra checkbox in the Export window to export the json file with the (pseudo)extension ".json.txt" instead of just ".json"? (Or just an optional custom extension? although I'd hate having to foolproof an arbitrary custom extension textbox.)
Or can we already do this somehow?
It's a Unity thing. Unity itself won't take ".json" or any unrecognized file extension despite being plain text files. There's probably a Unity Script rename-on-import solution for this. But I'm not 100% on how other plugins behave.
It's just annoying to keep having to repeatedly rename the new version (which sometimes includes deleting the old version so you can rename the new version in a temporary export destination folder) every time you need to test something in-engine.
And just an extra note for the eventual built-in texturepacker, Unity also doesn't take ".atlas". So we'll probably also want a ".atlas.txt" option.