I have a character with 3 sets of arms, all are visible at Setup pose. I have 2 different animation - walk and jump, they both uses same set of arms. Now I play walk animation ... do switch to jump with spAnimationState_setAnimationByName ... I have default mix time ~ 0.2 ... the trouble is: while mixing from walk -> jump I see other sets of arms (from setup pose), which I don't even touch here ... how to avoid it?
Checked with skeletonViewer.jar - same, I see arms from Setup pose.
It looks like my direct walk->jump animation goes as walk->setup->jump, so I can see unneeded set of arms. And even for my first play of walk animation I can see flickering, as I have default mix time, so I get mix from setup->walk.
I think it should use Setup pose only for objects we have on current or next animation.
Btw, skeletonViewer 3.4 - works fine.
It looks like my animator apply alpha = 0 for unused sets of arms at first frame, BUT they are disabled at draw order for both walk and jump ... should we take into account it? It looks like I have to remove visibility of slots + all its internals (image or mesh) to avoid such effect. Also I remove all alpha keys on first frame ... It solves my bug.