This problem is rather serious because I cant use skins properly.
When I import to Spine image in JSON, everything fit perfect, but when (on another project) I pin elements of the SAME image, to skins and then build whole image I see that some elements dont fit like on JSON. They are rescaled in width and length but when I check scale image, the value is 1.0 for ALL parts.
I loaded 1 picture of the whole character as a background on the one bone and was trying to check which elements are rescaled by pinning them to skins which are set up for whole skeleton.
I slashed body for several parts and a few of them rescales while other dont. For example body and forearm are smaller than orginal after pin to the skin and I have to set them scale to fit to the whole picture. What is important, those elements rescales differently, to set up body I had to scale it from 1.0 to 1.07 and forearm from 1.0 to 1.23. After this manual scalling they fit to the whole character.
In the another project with skins, this problem doesnt exist. But what is important, first project I did also dont have this problem, it started after time so I created new project with same skins. I though that problem is resolved but happened again in the project. I am not going to wait till it happens in all my projects that why need your help and support to find BUG or my oversight.
It really doesnt help me when you say something like: "Sorry we cant help u, you have problem". Something like this shouldnt have place even in the free application, and here is PRO without support ?
EDIT: I found way to repain problem but still dont know reason why it happens.
Problem was that bone had scale for example 0.83 but show 1.0. Other bones had other hidden values but show scale as 1.0. When I created new project, imported there JSON of this image and then imported skeleton from bugged project by "Import project option", after click on bones, appeared true descaled values. After this and open original project with those bones, there also could see descaled bones which before were showing me scale 1.0.