Hello everyone,
I exported as json the two Spine boy projects given in version 1.7 and 3.2 of Spine using the latest version.
I mean the old spine boy with the grey pants and the new one that is cyberpunk. To be exact the second was the
Spineboy-mesh, that uses the hoverboard.
For both I used the same settings.
The old spine boy is imported well in Game Maker Studio.
The new one gives me this error
Requested value 'weightedmesh' was not found.
ERROR: json file is not a valid Spine animation...
json data is malformed
I tried other projects made with 3.2 version and give me more errors like
"ERROR: json file is not a valid Spine animation...
atlas file references >1 images'
Seems like what is originally made with the latest Spine version has a problem, while
what was originally made with old versions works well. That is of course a rough assumption.
I attach the two project, how do I solve this?
Thanks in advance for your help.