Nate thanks for responding.
Yeah I've been holding shift to check frames once I set up key poses. I just feel like I set key poses, switch to interpolated. Then I'll see an issue, adjust, it throws off the rest of the animation after making adjustment (foot going through floor) etc. I'm working on this particular animation again from scratch. Using far more mesh work to see if that helps with some of the stiffness.
The Spine Run Animation tutorial you did gets into this, but that was before a lot of the additional features were added right? I'll post my results with the next pass at this. I love this software, but I was getting frustrated the other day with this particular animation.
To be fair also, while I know SPINE was made for game animation, I am actually building this particular animation for a demo reel for a DV. So the plan is to finish the animation, polish it, throw it into after effects and enhance it more. So I'm sure the purpose of this animation, being for display rather than interactive is causing some issues.
Working through the take10 tutorials now, would love to see more tutorial type stuff from you guys with all the current features down the line. Thanks for a great piece of software.