qortlr100 http://ko.esotericsoftware.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3132&p=15772 http://ko.esotericsoftware.com/forum/Black-Borders-in-some-Images-1046?p=4879&hilit=black+border#p4879 I read above 2 topic. So my game renderer rendering texture straight alpha(post-multiply alpha) and check bleed option for export. I have to use linear filter for minfliter and magfilter. (because of renderer isuue) Tool View InGame View Due to confidential disclosure agreement, I uploaded croped image. sorry for that.. any suggestion for fix?
BinaryCats Yes, I understand the situation. We had the same problem. there are a couple of causes/solutions. One cause was the z depth of the eyes, and the light would cast a shadow onto the face. another cause/solution was filters
qortlr100 my game don't use light. then I think z-order might be problem. here. I think our team render engine programmer said z-order is handmade code for some reason.. honestly I don't know why.
qortlr100 our team use own render engine based on directX. my team use this engine at least 45 years.(I'm recently join the team). Use premultiplied alpha texture is one way to fix this but that's not fundermentally fix the problem.
Pharan I think some forms of texture compression can cause artifacts like this. Do the black borders not show up in non-spine sprites? If Bleed was enabled and it was straight alpha blended, this should look correct. I suspect bleed isn't working correctly. What's minfilter and magfilter?
qortlr100 both filters are linear filter. I used premultiplied alpha for this matter thanks everyone. I'll check bleed working correctly.