• Runtimes
  • [UNITY5] Odd PNG Artifacting on Android

Hi guys,

Now that I've finally got the runtime working nicely on PC, I decided to start testing on Android. I'm using the LG G3 for initial testing.

I'm getting some seriously bad alpha artifacting on the Spine models. Is there some way to fix this? I've tried various settings in the Unity export but nothing has helped so far. Do I need to re-export the PNGs using a different setting from Photoshop or change the settings in Spine export?

I've attached a screen shot of what I mean. Help! :sweat:

Thanks ahead of time

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  • संपादित

Have you changed the import setting from "sprite" to "texture"?

Yeah. The quick way to fix it: Select your atlas texture. Change the Import Type from Sprite to Texture. Make sure to turn off "alpha is transparency".

What you are seeing is PNG bleeding (applied by Unity with the Sprite texture type, or when certain settings are checked) becoming visible when using Premultiply Alpha blending. It's a simple mismatch between the image settings and the shader.
For more info, read this post: Premultiply Alpha

Thanks guys!