• Runtimes
  • Spine-tk2d Mesh problem

  • संपादित
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I'm using latest spine proffesional version (2.1.18) and spine-tk2d.unitypackage from https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spi ... spine-tk2d

I was using meshes and everything was working fine in other projects however in this one I'm having a problem on unity side

Everything is fine on Spine but meshes not correctly rendered on Unity How can I solve this problem ?

  • संपादित

It looks like your image wasn't trimmed before you put it and used it inside Spine.
You defined your mesh with that whitespace there so the mesh now requires it, or else it breaks.

You have to tell TK2D not to trim that specific image (or any images you used with meshes that are using the empty, transparent space around the opaque pixels). The mesh you made relies on that empty space because that's how you defined it.

Yeah that solved it thank you. I thought leaving whitespace on spine and trimming on tk2d would work. I guess when you change it to mesh it starts to be a problem