Hi Mitch,
I'm brand new to Spine, so please forgive any stupidity in this post. It looks like I've picked up your latest with the unity package runtime, so I can use the create animation controller action you outlined above. But I'm not really understanding how to configure it, or even the intention here
When I instantiate the controller via Spine->InstantiateMecanim, it looks like it generates a mecanim anim controller that flattens all animations to interface with a single GO: "Game Object.Dummy". How is this configured? I see that the SkeletonData seems to retain linkage to the animator once this is done, which I assume is to aid in iteration. But when I generate a new SkeletonAnimation via Spine->InstantiateSkeletonAnim, it doesn't include the new Animation Controller. When I connect the Spine generated animation controller, it complains that it can't find the Dummy object. Am I missing something fundamental here?
Also, just so I'm clear, this is intended as a "lighter" approach to allowing mecanims to control animation state without incurring (most of) the functionality hits of baking it completely into Unity. Am I completely mistaken here? I hope not, because it seems like exactly what I want.