Hey. I got this. Get your own turf. XD
Actually, I found the problem. I didn't have a test setup before so I couldn't tell what was really going on.
I solved the first problem of the events not fitting into the time range. I just needed to bring it into the AnimationState class and fire it. I thought it would need a few extra lines but it turns out, I just needed to replace null
with the existing events list. (turns out Nate was passing null
, meaning he might have intended for events not to fire during a mix?)
And done. FOR SURE this time. I've seen it work with my own eyes.
Third time's the charm. The total number of lines changed/added since the first post were like... 3? 4?
The other thing I found is that if you're mixing, Complete doesn't fire on the first animation either. I'm actually not sure which behavior makes more sense; this or a firing one.
Made a PR though. Didn't try to fix Complete not firing.