My usual workflow is do a flat image with just solid color and the lineart, animate it and then paint.
To this, rather than using unique layers I do a lineart layer and a solid color layer for masking.
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Using the Generator plugin for Photoshop which automatically updates/export files in edition time, I tell it to export the groups.
This way I can "sketch/test" animations before spending time with details.
But when using mesh, when I need to hide some layers the vertices' position are messed.
The follow is the mesh before and after manipulating layers.
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It seems like the vertices are clamped when the texture reduces size but don't change when size increases.
The automatic update feature could keep the uv mapping.
In other words, the normalized vertices multiplied by the image size.
Thus, the vertices keep consistent no matter a change in size.
This will help a lot realtime edition and visualization!