Thank you, Shiu&Pharan!!
Although the result differed from what was desired,
I was able to escape from the error anyhow!!!!!! :rofl:
Finally, the code written by me is like this.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Spine;
using System;
public class Stop : MonoBehaviour {
public Spine.AnimationState state;
public SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
float delta=3.0f;
void Start (){
skeletonAnimation = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();
void Update(){
if (Input.GetKey("a")) {
MonoBehaviour...If it deletes...
error CS0103: The name `GetComponent' does not exist in the current context
About Runtimes fundamental structure, I study henceforth.
Thank you very very much! :handshake: