JayW Thank you for your understanding! Yes, when we think about new features in Spine, we always take their impact on the runtime into account. Of course, some improvements are worth implementing even if they require changes to the runtime or code, but such features often take a long time to develop. That's why we also explore ways to achieve improvements in the short term.
I would kill to be able to export the preview layered animations
This is actually a feature we’d like to implement in a future version. Ideally, we want to allow users to define an animation sequence in the preview view and export it. However, we don’t yet have a timeline for when this will be available. You can track the progress of this feature in the issue ticket here:
Having them editor-linked only could also be a option?
I think it is possible, but as you mentioned, we would need to add some kind of tagging information to the skeleton data. Otherwise, if the exported data is later re-imported into Spine, all links would be lost. Ideally, we’d like to avoid making changes to the skeleton data format.
One common issue with skins is that reconfiguring them can be tedious. For example, we’ve received feedback that merging multiple skins back into a single skin is a hassle. We recognize this as an area for improvement, and we have an issue ticket for it here:
One reason Spine needs a skin merge feature is that if you delete attachments and re-import the PSD to add a skin, all mesh settings, weight settings and animation keys associated with those attachments are lost. This was a commonly reported issue, and we're considering adding a special copy function for mesh attachments to make it easier to reuse settings and keys:
I know I’m mostly mentioning long-standing issues, but the copy/paste weights feature that you use so much was actually added in 4.2.45-beta, released on March 21st of last year, so even that was not available before then. We are constantly working to improve Spine, and we appreciate your continued support!