so I'm trying to crack my head on a problem I had in a while. I have a set up that allows my character to move on layer 0, and then attack animations on layer 1. I've added in spine a keyframe to anything I wanted to override, however some bones and texture slots continue to use the animation in layer 0.

the main culprits are the shoulder in front, and the torso slot continuing to change. even though both are overriden by the attack animation
as far as what's happening in the code, it's (_Body and _Attack are both the track entries for the respective tracks):
for the idle/walk/run loop:
`public void GroundedMovementAnimationUpdate(float speed)
float transition = 0.2f;
if (_Body.Animation == null || _Body.Animation.Name == "Falling") transition = 1;
if (speed < _WalkSpeedTreshold)
if (_Body.Animation == null || _Body.Animation.Name != "Idle") _Body = _state.SetAnimation(0,"Idle",true);
_Body.MixDuration = transition;
_Body.TimeScale = 1;
if (speed < _RunSpeedTreshold && speed > _WalkSpeedTreshold)
if (_Body.Animation == null || _Body.Animation.Name != "Walk") _Body = _state.SetAnimation(0, "Walk", true);
_Body.MixDuration = transition;
_Body.TimeScale = speed*_movespeedmultiplier;
if (speed > _RunSpeedTreshold)
if (_Body.Animation == null || _Body.Animation.Name != "Run") _Body = _state.SetAnimation(0, "Run", true);
_Body.MixDuration = transition;
_Body.TimeScale = speed * _movespeedmultiplier;
for the strike animations:
`public void Attack(string AttackName)
if (_Attack.Animation == null || _Attack.Animation.Name != AttackName)
_Attack = _state.SetAnimation(1, AttackName, false);
_Attack.MixDuration = 0f;
_Attack.MixBlend = MixBlend.Replace;
_Attack = _state.AddEmptyAnimation(1, 0.2f, -0.2f);