LingYin 使用的是SkeletonGraphic 请问为什么在Spine和Unity中烟雾透明度会出现如此大的差异,我需要怎样修改才能让它显示与Spine中的效果一样 这是png附件格式中烟雾的状态 spine中烟雾图片所显示的状态 Unity中显示的状态 设置
Misaki LingYin Unfortunately, you cannot use URP shaders with SkeletonGraphic components. You can find more information about this in this section of the spine-unity runtime documentation: SkeletonGraphic组件 重要须知-Material Check to see if the problem is resolved as a result of selecting the correct shaders.
Misaki LingYin Thank you for checking the shader. From the screenshots it looks like the settings are correct, so without seeing the actual skeleton it seems impossible to determine the cause. Could you please send me via email the skeleton data files that can reproduce the problem?: The data you send us can be as minimal as possible. Please include the URL of this forum thread in the email so we know the context. Then we can take a look at what's wrong.
LingYin Misaki 我这边发现了一点问题,就是我们目前项目中使用的颜色空间是Linear 然后使用直通alpha溢出导出设置导出spine后,spine文件中带半透明的图片出现了问题 那么能否在不使用gamma颜色空间的情况下,解决这个问题。
Misaki LingYin You can send us the exported data (.json/.skel.bytes, .atlas.txt, .png files). It should be possible to get it to display correctly in linear color space, but I'm not sure at this point why the transparency results would be different.
LingYin Misaki Thank you very much for your help!We have determined that the problem is caused by the wrong color space, and we have found a way to modify it.