I often find myself building and animating rigs that have slots with many, many attachments. For example, I'll have a [slot]Hand, and within that are 50+ attachment for different hand sprites. When these 50+ attachments are also within Skin Placeholders, it becomes impossible to preview a thumbnail from these skin placeholders. Basically I find myself clicking one-by-one through the attachments until I see the one I want...

Might I suggest a new panel that will preview each attachment in a selected slot as a thumbnail, similar to the frame picker in Animate CC and other animation applications.

I understand that attachments can be previewed by hover the mouse over them. But this takes too long as the thumbnail doesn't display quickly AND there is NO thumbnail preview for hovering over a skin placeholder without expanding that placeholder to reveal the attachment within.
A panel like this will make the animation process much less painful. I find that I am overly reliant on the Tree Panel as I am CONSTATLY zipping up and down and toggling the filter settings multiple times per minute... it's simply too much to manage.