• RuntimesUnity
  • How to track a bone position during some animation?

Hello guys!
I'm trying to fix a issue with collisions in the game i'm working on, and I'm not finding a solution.

We have an Enemy wich has an Arm with 2 bones. This arm moves to hit throw projectiles, and also is the target of our Player. So when the arm is shooting there's an animation...

The issue is pretty obvious: How to track the position of the bone to update the position of some Collider2D?
I tried adding a Collider2D in the correct bone using the SkeletonRendererSeparator, but the position didn't change, so the Collider still in the same place.
There's some component to track the bone position while runing some animation? How to fix it?

This is a really important issue, because the whole system seems useless if we can't track the real bone position to detect a collision while runing some animation. Probably already exist some component to solve it or I'm just missing some configuration, I hope.

Thank you in advance!

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Hey! I found the solution here!

BoneFollower that what I was looking for! I knew was some component <3


@ricna Glad to hear you've figured it out, thanks for letting us know.
It's always recommend have a look at the spine-unity documentation pages when you encounter any problems:
Especially the following sections:

Also it's always worth checking out the example scenes in Spine Examples that come with the spine-unity package. Also check out the tutorial video listed in the Example Scenes section:

  • ricna ने इसे लाइक किया।