• RuntimesGodot
  • C# The type or namespace name 'SpineSprite' could not be found

So I've followed the spine-godot Runtime Documentation mainly the C# Project Setup section, yet I am still stuck with missing reference. I apologize for asking for help on such a seemingly simple step.

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Lick ने शीर्षक को बदलकर C# The type or namespace name 'SpineSprite' could not be found कर दिया है।

the thing that fixed the nuget problems for me was opening visual studio (not vscode) and clearing nuget cache in settings. i don't have a nuget package manager, but i'm sure it has the same thing. after that try launching your project then editting the c# script

  • इस पर Lick ओर Aure ने जवाब दिया।
  • leeeeo ने इसे लाइक किया।
    • संपादित

    You're a genius, worked like a charm!
    Thank you!

    • Skeir ने इसे लाइक किया।

    Sorry for the troubles. I've added a note about this in the spine-godot docs.

    • Lick ने इसे लाइक किया।
    17 दिन बाद में

    Hello , I tried this but still have the same issue!
    Can you please send me the solution link or guide me?

    • इस पर Lick ने जवाब दिया।

      Hello This forum post helped me solve the problem. Follow the steps posted by RavenMRK.

      Thanks a lot!!! it's fixed!
      Do you know why this happens ? the arms looks weird even the same export works great in ue4 and i had more than one spine works perfectly in godot but this no!

      Impossible to tell what's going on just from the screenshot. Please provide us with the exported skeleton and atlas files at a minimum. If this only happens when you set a specifc animation, please also provide code to reproduce the issue.



      Here are the files.
      Not with specific animation , it's with any animation and any skin !
      Thanks for your help!

      Thanks, I've opened an issue here:

      Thanks !

      Hello , could you find the issue ?

      I have not yet found the issue. The issue on GitHub will be updated once it is resolved, and I'll post in this thread as well.


      14 दिन बाद में

      Sorry for it taking so long. This has now been fixed in all runtimes. It was a bug in IK constraint. Thanks for reporting!

      You'll have to wait for new Godot binaries to build. See the builds scheduled here:

      Once these are complete, you can download new binaries from https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-godot

      Thank you very much!!
      I will wait for this to complete so i can try!

      3 महीने बाद में

      Skeir Clearing the cache solved it for me too, thanks

      • Nate ने इसे लाइक किया।