• RuntimesUnity
  • Animation is Pixelating in Unity

Hey Guys, i have a problem. As i exported the last file, the output is pixelating in unity. I have exported other formats also like GIF, mov from spine they are looking great. Even the JPEG from photoshop is looking good. But my json file causing problem in unity or maybe unity is causing a problem idk. I want your help to how to fix it. I have exported animations before and they were working good on Unity.

  • इस पर anaskhan ने जवाब दिया।
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    Output I need:

    Unity Output:

    Unity screen record:

    • इस पर Misaki ने जवाब दिया।

      anaskhan Could you please show us the information that appears in the Inspector window when you select the texture atlas page? I mean something like the following screenshot:

      • इस पर anaskhan ने जवाब दिया।
      • anaskhan ने इसे लाइक किया।


        • इस पर Misaki ने जवाब दिया।

          anaskhan Thank you for showing the screenshot! I think it is probably a mipmap issue.
          You might want to use the Set Mipmap Bias to -0.5 button, which can be found in the Inspector window when you select the Spine Atlas Asset:

          You may find the following threads helpful:
          [Unity] UnityでSpineで出力したアトラスにmipmapを手動で追加する方法はありますか?
          Using Your Own Mipmaps With Spine?

          • इस पर anaskhan ने जवाब दिया।
          • anaskhan ने इसे लाइक किया।

            Misaki I am getting good results after changing texture settings, however there is drop in FPS by 12.

            @anaskhan Did you try keeping mipmaps enabled and changing mip bias to -0.5 as Misaki suggested? Disabling mip-maps always comes with a performance cost.

            Aside from disabling mipmaps: Did you try disabling crunch compression or increasing Compressor Quality from 50 to a high value? What your screenshot is showing looks to me also like compression artifacts and not only mipmap blur.

            • anaskhan ने इसे लाइक किया।

            I have applied this setting and i am getting very good results. Now neither i am facing issue in visual appeal nor in performance. Thanks guys for helping me out. I am building this for android, so should i override this texture for android or let it stay on default. If i override it then which compression is best ASTC or ETC2?

            • इस पर Harald ने जवाब दिया।

              Glad that it helped, thanks for letting us know!

              anaskhan If i override it then which compression is best ASTC or ETC2?

              Any format has its advantages and drawbacks.

              ASTC is a more recent format which also offers non-standard block size (is not restricted to blocks of 4x4), and thus could yield better results with arbitrary texture sizes. It's faster to compress, which is not too much of an issue during development and completely irrelevant at runtime. On the downside, it may not be supported on all older devices. Then however, Unity will decompress the textures at runtime (as documented here) and then use an uncompressed 32bit format.

              Quality-wise, it's always best to run some side-by-side comparison, or even better, exchange it at the exact same location, on your target devices. Also, be sure to try with different settings, and note that Compressor Quality determines the time in the Editor that the compressor takes to optimize the output image quality, not runtime speed. Setting it to Fast (instead of Normal or Best) makes your import faster upon frequent atlas texture changes, but does not affect runtime performance, it does not make the game run faster.

              • इस पर anaskhan ने जवाब दिया।
              • anaskhan ने इसे लाइक किया।

                Okay I will try it. Thank you for your support.

                • Harald ने इसे लाइक किया।