We have 2 extra atlases that get exported from Spine, one that contains clothes, and one that contains hair styles. But since we replaced those with 1x1 textures, I did not send them. There is one thing worth mentioning, which is, this specific shirt does not live in the atlas we export from spine. We have one cloth of each type in spine, and this one is not the one in spine for the type Shirt, we export it directly from photoshop (respecting the silhouette of the original texture). Also, the original texture for this type is larger, the silhouette of the RE-TOP texture fits perfectly into the original texture, but the original one goes all the way down, not like this one. Here are the original atlases that are missing above:

Note that the RE-TOP texture occupies the same atlas slot that the only shirt that is not magenta (I painted everything magenta for this post, this is not something we do in our pipeline). As I explained above, you can see how the RE-TOP texture is smaller, but the shape of the RE-TOP fits perfectly into the original texture.
As for the example project, I don't have the resources to provide one at the moment, but if we reach a dead end in our conversation I can re-evaluate