Asunto: Spine Attachment Color changed at Unity' Runtime
Aesop लिखाHello!,
I've tried to find info about this topic and read the API but I don't understand how could and should change an attachment's color. I know the slot color is the way to go, but I use the slot color for another purpose.
In the current project I'm using a Skeleton Mecanim. And I got it working by doing this:
[SerializeField] private SkeletonMecanim _skelAnim;
[SerializeField] private Spine.RegionAttachment[] bladeAttachments = new Spine.RegionAttachment[28];
[SerializeField] private Color bootColor;
private void Start()
bladeAttachments[0] = (Spine.RegionAttachment)_skelAnim.skeleton.GetAttachment("Blade_R_Side_Boot", "Blade_R_Side_Boot_1");
bladeAttachments[1] = (Spine.RegionAttachment)_skelAnim.skeleton.GetAttachment("Blade_L_Side_Boot", "Blade_L_Side_Boot_1");
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
Even though it works, I still want to know the best practices!
Thanks for your attention!