SEANFX लिखाI go into the first animation. I delete out key frames and only leave the thing I want animated in there. For this animation it's a transparency setting.
When I click to another animation. The dope sheet looks like the other animation I was editing. All the keyframes I removed are gone but the full animation plays fine.
Are you saying the dopesheet continues to show keys from the first animation when you show the second animation? I don't see this happen, the dopesheet always shows me keys for the animation that is visible. Are your animations in the same skeleton?
Is there any chance you can do a quick screencast so I can see the whole problem? Maybe with this:
SEANFX लिखाnow it worked. but I have to collapse, expand and in the dope sheet and the tree.
There are a number of things that cause the dopesheet to refresh what items it shows. Deselecting should also do it (space, escape, or double click). However, clicking an animation visibility dot refreshes the dopesheet items, so I'm not sure why it isn't refreshing for you.