I've created some launcher app for extending document association features.
maybe it can be an alternative solution for this issues too.
extract "Spine Launcher.zip" file and place "Spine Launcher.app" to "/Applications" path.
right click on /Applications/Spine Launcher.app and click "open" on popup menu.
(it needs because of some security issues on OS X. I didn't code signing for this app.)
now you can associate .spine file with this Spine Launcher.app.
- drag & drop .spine file on Spine Launcher Dock Icon.
- double click .spine file.
- launch multiple Spine.app instances.
this app simply execute /Applications/Spine/Spine.app by using NSTask class.
I saw Spine.app just call some shell command to execute java.
maybe Spine Launcher's implementation can be added Spine.app itself easily.
so I attach source code too.
I hope this can be helpful.