Welcome to the Spine forum! This post was originally posted in Editor, but was moved to Off-topic because it was not a question about editor usage.
Where can 2d animator (using spine and Live2D) get there freelance jobs and are these jobs in demand in the industry?
You can find Spine-related job offers on the Networking sub-forum: viewforum.php?f=10
You can also post details about your skills and your portfolio there to find people who want to hire you.
In the future, is there any chance that this spine/live2d profession get replaced by advanced technology/ AI?
My personal prediction is that it is not likely that Spine will not be used at all in the near future, because I believe that Spine is not a software that simply extracts or simplifies parts of other software, but a software based on a new philosophy. Spine has its greatest individuality and advantage in that it is primarily a 2D animation software for video games. If it is simply a matter of creating beautiful animations, AI may be able to reproduce them in the future, but creating animations for characters that can be controlled by a player in a game often requires complex design, such as mixing previous and next animations and blending multiple animations. It will be impossible or very far in the future for AI to be able to create including those designs.
Live2D has a different philosophy than Spine. According to “What is Live2D?” on Live2D's official web page (https://www.live2d.com/en/about/), you can see Live2D is focused on animating 2D illustrations itself, not limited to animating them in video games. In this respect, I think AI will be able to do this role more and more in the future.
The above is just my personal opinion, but I hope it is helpful.