已安装spine 4.0, unity 2020.3.17
VersionInfo fileVersion = new VersionInfo();
bool hasBinaryExtension = asset.name.Contains(".skel");
fileVersion.sourceType = hasBinaryExtension ? SourceType.Binary : SourceType.Json;
bool isJsonFileByContent = IsJsonFile(asset);
// file name don't have skel and not json
// if (false == false) then log error?
// if (hasBinaryExtension && isJsonFileByContent) ?
if (hasBinaryExtension == isJsonFileByContent) {
if (hasBinaryExtension) {
problemDescription = string.Format("Failed to read '{0}'. Extension is '.skel.bytes' but content looks like a '.json' file.\n"
+ "Did you choose the wrong extension upon export?\n", asset.name);
else {
problemDescription = string.Format("Failed to read '{0}'. Extension is '.json' but content looks like binary 'skel.bytes' file.\n"
+ "Did you choose the wrong extension upon export?\n", asset.name);
isSpineSkeletonData = false;
return null;