Thank you for the project. The animation looks correct to me in Spine 4.0.21:
谢谢你的项目。在Spine 4.0.21中,我觉得这个动画看起来是正确的。
Loading Image
I exported JSON and loaded it with Skeleton Viewer and it also looks correct:
我导出了JSON,用Skeleton Viewer加载,看起来也是正确的。
Loading Image
Skeleton Viewer uses spine-libgdx. What runtime are you using that doesn't display the animation correctly?
Skeleton Viewer使用spine-libgdx。你使用的是什么运行时间,不能正确显示动画?
I've emailed the exported 4.0 JSON and atlas, can you try that in your runtime?
我已经把导出的4.0 JSON和图集用电子邮件发了过去,你能在你的运行时间里试试吗?