Nate लिखाSorry you are having trouble.
You can apply animation clean up by clicking the animation, then Clean Up
. You can do this to see what keys are deleted. If you think it should not delete some keys, please post or email the .spine
file and let us know what animation and which keys should not be deleted. The screenshot isn't enough for us to fix it.
For now you can disable animation clean up when exporting.
Tried disabling it, its still doing weird things. I will try to send you the file but the major problem is that it DOESNT do the weird thing in Spine, it only does it in Unity, I am tearing my project apart but I cannot find a single reason why Unity is clipping off those frames, and I cannot figure out if its Spine or Unity or what.
As far as I can tell, Unity is just ignoring keyframes completely arbitrarily. I cannot find a single reason why its doing what its doing. I'm tearing my hair out.
Just before it reaches the end of the animation it jerks once, then twice.

No jerk in the animation in Spine.
Animation completely worthless and unusable in Unity.

Even more simplified animation, still fucked.

There is no combination of settings that prevents it from occurring. Even when the animation has no transition at all, this occurs.