您必须将Spine Editor版本设置为.json文件的版本,才能将其导入。 例如。 您的.json文件是使用Spine 3.5创建的,因此您必须将Spine Editor版本设置为3.5.x。 导入.json文件后,您可以将项目另存为.spine文件,然后在Spine 4.0-beta中重新打开它。
You have to set the Spine Editor version to the version of the .json file for it to be imported. E.g. you .json file has been created with Spine 3.5, so you have to set your Spine Editor version to 3.5.x. Once you have imported the .json file, you can save the project as a .spine file and re-open it in Spine 4.0-beta.