Hello again,
I finally got around to trying out your suggestions.
a) creating the sprite sheet as PMA in the first place (so already premultiply it upon creation), or
b) by switching your used Material workflow at the customizable skeletons from PMA to Straight alpha (which might be too late unless you're at the beginning of your project).
I created the spritesheets as PMA and then set the bool flag on RemapClone for PMA to false, this leads for us to additional outlines showing, left side in the screenshot.
And also tried out option B, I set the bool flag for IsStraightAlpha on the material and we exported the corresponding sprite sheet without PMA enabled. Which lead to the artifacts showing on the right side of the screenshot.
As far as I understand it I followed everthing outline listed here: Premultiplied Alpha Guide
Do you have any suggestions how we may fix this?