So we've had this weirdness of our transitions (to clarify: dedicated transition animations, not unity-driven transitions) for a while. Within unity preview, animations seem OK. But when the game is running, some transition anims pop-up-front a weird dark layer for no apparent reason.
Is it the animations fault, or could it be some settings behavior we don't know about?
We do not have a dedicated animator, so it's difficult to test the animations themselves, but our previous animator who worked on these said they should be fine. What could be the problem though? Any ideas?
This is how it looks on pause at the exact point when the dark layer pops up:

Couple of frames ahead and it fades out to look as it should:

There also you can see our blend tree config. It is pretty straightforward, with no in-between blends. Transitions between animations are also without 'exit time', meaning they should be instant.