That's great, thanks for your answer! Definitely looking forward to WebM export, we are making digital miniatures for use in Roll20, it lets us make better looking animations in the same filesize as GIF, and also allows partially transparent pixels.
Personally I like spaceship controls for my export, it's nice to be able to control everything about the export, it means I don't need to use batch a renamer after the fact. Perhaps a checkbox in the export window to enable 'advanced options' would help keep the clutter down, but reveal it to people who want to use all the extra options?
3DsMax has a ton of options all neatly hidden within expandable subsets
One thing I have noticed when exporting, if I choose the path and filename for my file, I generally like to create a folder called 'export' within my project folder. If I need to create a PNG sequence, I create a folder within that called 'PNG'. Right now I can set the path and name to export/PNG/crab.png, which I can see easily in the UI, but if I quit the export screen and come back to it, the fill system path is displayed and gets truncated as it's too long for the text box. I can't see the end so I can't tell which folder it's actually exporting to, and have to go back into the file browser window every time.
It would be nice to be able to set a default folder for export within the project folder and separately set the file name.
Also in the 'open project' dialog, I have all my project folders within one folder, it would be good to set that folder as my 'projects' folder so that folders within it show, and maybe clicking on one will start the most recent .spine file within one of those folders.
Anyway just some ideas, thanks for making such an awesome program!