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  • Skin Placeholder Animation Error

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So i have a bunch of animated characters with multiple skins. Each skin has its own skin asset folder. The main file has tons of animations using those assets. I'm trying to fix the way these were built by turning them into skins in one file using the skin feature rather than pointing to a skin folder and exporting each time. I was using this video to try to turn them into skins, but when i do the first part where you grab all the attachments and create a skin placeholder... when it creates them it throws assets all over screen and my animations are messed up. I attached a before and after skin placeholder so you can see what i mean. Please help. I have to do this for multiple files and our deadline is soon approaching. I'm not sure what to do.

As a workaround we were actually just exporting each pointed skin folder from the same core file, and while the animations work, the PNG exported is different for each skin even though all the assets are exactly the same (just different colors). So currently we're forced to use 5 different skeletons and exports for the same character in 5 colors. =( The unity devs are not happy. Any ideas on solutions?

this is the video i've been referencing - not sure why it isn't working. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLCoDGjSYu4&t=5s


aimajin लिखा

when i do the first part where you grab all the attachments and create a skin placeholder... when it creates them it throws assets all over screen and my animations are messed up.

Could you specifically post a video or screenshots of this happening? Unless it's the first screenshot, in which cas,e I think what you're seeing is simply all the images being turned on, just as at 3:50 of the video you linked. (and judging by the number of alternative legs shown in the screenshot, I'm pretty positive that's what is happening)
The solution would therefore be to just deactivate the skin placeholders that don't need to be active, as in the video, to fix it (:

By the way, if you choose "Rename attachments" at 4:11, the part where the skins path needs to be changed again won't be necessary, as Spine will automatically use the skin name as the new folder!

Let me know how it goes 😃

So i have to turn off all the parts i don't need even for each animation? There are so many animations...Hoping not. haha Thanks, i will try the thing about renaming now also.

Erika! You are the best! That fixed it, and the hint about "renaming" - amazing. I have so many animations i thought i was going to have to go in and edit each one, but once i set the original skeleton back to the default state, all the animations were fixed. Thank you so much!

Glad to hear it all worked out! 😃 thanks for letting me know.