Tool for replace weight from one bone to antoher: p59755
Allow transferring weights from one bone to another · #301 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor



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[Feature Request] I would like to be able to transfer the weight of a mesh from one bone to another.
Hi, I'm always grateful to Spine for your help.
Thanks for the fun tool.
Tool for replace weight from one bone to antoher: p59755
Allow transferring weights from one bone to another · #301 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor
I feel that I would like to have the ability to transfer the weight values that I have set for a mesh to another bone.
This feature has also been requested at the URL above.
So through this topic I would like to add a +1 to the request as well.
And since adding the request alone is not enough of a basis for the request.
Please allow me to present why this feature is needed
An example of a situation where this feature is needed.

I made the shin guards for the armor like this, which can be represented from front to 90 degrees sideways using the mesh deformation.
And for the left leg armor, I decided to use a copy of the right leg instead of making a new part.

However, the copied mesh is bound to the bone of the right foot (shin_front) from which it was copied, so
Naturally, it will move in conjunction with the shin bone and control bone of the right leg.
The mesh deformation needs to be controlled by the left tibia (shin_back) and control bone.
Here's the problem.
There is a way to transfer the weight to the left leg bone.
I can't find it except by manually entering the numbers for each vertex one by one.
The above shin guards have 19 vertices, so I have to check the vertex weights and manually input the numbers 19 times, which is a lot of work.
Also, the vertex weight input itself is a challenge.
Replacing the value from the right shin (shin_front) to the left shin (shin_back) as it is, although I don't want to change any of the other values.
If we simply change the value of shin_back to 62%, we get this.
Because the values of contro_leg_armor and other parts also change in tandem, it is difficult to reproduce the same percentage of weight as before.
The more complex the part with more vertices, the more difficult it is to change the bone configuration afterwards.
I think the essence of the problem lies in the fact that the bone configuration of the weights adjusted for mesh deformations cannot be redone once they are made".
In fact, this problem is faced in more situations than you might think.
Not only do I have to copy the left and right parts of the arms, legs, etc.
There will inevitably be a situation where you want to control the mesh deformation you've already created with another bone later on.
(It would be best if we could set the weights in a perfect bone configuration from the start.

Example of adding a control bone for mesh deformation
I was making this with a single bone to control the axial rotation of the body, but halfway through I realized that there would be more variation in the pose if I could only rotate the upper body.
In this case, we would need to add a control bone for the lower body and transfer the weights from the waist down.
I hope to have this feature implemented in the near future.
I apologize for the length of my request.
Thank you very much for your patience.