In setup mode, is there a way to tell a bone to go back to its origin after playing around with its transform? By origin I mean the position and size it was first created.
When rigging, I like to move around bones to be sure everything is working perfectly. I may need to move several bones to ensure that the result is what I intended. However, except doing some ctrl+z to reset the bones position, I cannot find a button to "reset" the bone.
I looked into the doc and the forum and I did not find an answer or a solution.
I'm preparing a big animation project where I will have a file with a lot of skins, some having specific bones, some sharing the same bone with differents weights, some sharing the same bone and the same weight etc.
I don't want to mess up my whole project because I moved a bone while testing a new skin and saved my project.
(I see a long list of issues that such a button would solve)