It is highly recommended to resize your bones using the bones properties or the bone lenght tool precisely to avoid this sort of problems.
Tools - Spine User Guide: Bone length tool
You can try to revert your bones by setting their scale manually back to 1, 1. If you want to avoid the children bones or images to be influenced by this you can try to use compensation Tools - Spine User Guide: Compensation although the compensation may be imperfect, and scale non uniformly while trying to counter your input, so be warned this process may not be very easy.
A possible option may be to temporarily reparent the images and/or children bones to something else so they may be less affected by your bones manipulations, then parent them back to the restored bone.
If you have meshes in place, you may also want to update the bindings in case some bones will change position:
Weights - Spine User Guide: Update bindings