booboogaga Hi guys, Please, can we have export settings save in the project file, as well as bone scale? Thanks 😉
Erika Hello! We already added to our tracker your suggestion for bone scale: Bone scale per project · #542 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor Export settings per project are already available, just save after exporting. We are also planning to add the ability to have them relative to the project: Allow export paths relative to the spine project file location · #515 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor
booboogaga Export settings per project are already available, just save after exporting. - not my experience
Erika It's been around since 3.6.16: Problems with exoprt settings in the last Spine update [Request] Remember last folder exported to from this file Remember to save AFTER exporting and not before! 😃