对不起,您遇到了麻烦! 您是几天前刚刚从“许可证”页面下载Spine的,还是这是一个较旧的安装?
Spine: License Recovery
Spine Troubleshooting: Spine Troubleshooting
Sorry you are having trouble! Did you just download Spine a few days ago from your License page, or is this an older installation?
If it is an older installation:
Due to a certificate expiration, you'll need to download and reinstall Spine, else it can't reach the server.
If you can't find your Spine license page, you can use the license recovery page:
Spine: License Recovery
If you are using a recent installer and have just downloaded it:
Some common problems are listed on the troubleshooting page here (currently in English, a Chinese version will soon be available as well):
Spine Troubleshooting: Spine Troubleshooting