Hi there,
I've happily used Spine for years and have had no major issues with it. I've been sticking with Spine 3.7 primarily because it's the latest version that Game Maker Studio 2 supports.
Recently, I started getting the following error message when launching version 3.7: "Sorry, the server could not be contacted. Please check your internet connection and any firewall settings that may be blocking Spine."
As far as I'm aware, nothing changed on my machine that would cause this. Windows is allowing Spine through the firewall and I'm not using a proxy. I tried updating to Spine 3.8, and that version of Spine launched without any problems or mention of network issues. However, as I previously stated, I can't use version 3.8 because it's currently incompatible with GMS2.
Let me know if you all have any ideas for what might be going on with Spine 3.7. Also let me know if there is an error log being written out somewhere that I could provide.