Hello! I'm trying to figure out if there is a way I can playback spine animations at 24fps within unity (without limiting the fps of other elements, so throttling the overall fps won't work)...
Speed of playback only plays the anim faster/slower, where what I want is actually frame drop to have a much less smooth final product and I haven't seen anywhere online to indicate that I can do this without manually controlling it.
I have a vague idea of how to proceed, theoretically
call the animations I want (and we will be wanting to use separate tracks to call eyes, arms, mouths, etc) but only update the actual spine visualization every x frames, manually, while the animations play. But I have no idea if this is actually doable?
Any example of this being done before or a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
ah - of course once I give up and post a help topic I find what I'm looking for
Skeleton Animation Fixed Timestep does it! posting this here in case anyone else stumbles on this looking for the same thing