Well.. I'm sorry for confusing you X(
What you are imagining is a bit far from this case.
I'll make many asymmetric Chibi characters, like the following:
I can't flip simply it due to the design rule.
For example, some characters wearing T-shirts with logo, and the logo can't flip if the body was flipped.
Since I have to conform it, I made skins of the T-shirts with flipped logo.
If the character was flipped on the game, the skin will be changed by script.
Isn't it a problem that a direction cannot be keyed?
Instead of keying the visible attachments, I use event!
If I want to change the direction in the middle of an animation, I keyed the changing skin event, and it will work on Unity.
Either way, it is a bit bothered because I can't confirm the result with only Spine...
However, thanks to events, there is no necessity for keying many attachements visibility 😃
Does my answer make sense?