Hi Esoteric crew, huge thank you and congrats for the fantastic software! I have a few quality of life requests I'd like to make but I can't find if there's a place for those kinds of requests.
1. I have to have a lot of flowing bits in most of my animations for characters and as such, I find myself often splitting bones that are too long among a long chain.
Currently: A chain like "hair1, hair2, hair3, hair4" will become "hair1, hair2, hair5, hair3, hair4" if hair2 is split into 2 bones.
This makes a mess out of most files. I'd like to recommend that any bones within a nested chain that are split are renamed with a common animation naming convention: hair1, hair2, hair3, hair4 with hair2 split into 2 bones becomes "hair1, hair2, hair2a, hair2b, hair3, hair4" or "hair2_a, hair2_b".
2. I'd like to request the "Select Slot in Draw Order" button also be able to be set to a keyboard shortcut key while not requiring the slot to be selected (the parenting bone housing the slot, or the attachment that is a child of the slot). I request this because I'm going to be juggling characters of between 80 to 150 slots and even more bones every day for months to a year. The tree is already the thing that takes the longest time to navigate and the need to change my filters, just to select my slots to click the button is a task I'll have to repeat hundreds of times a day, thousands of times a week. It'll save countless hours and sanity to have such a feature.
3. The ability to select all the children of a chain by selecting the parent with a modifier key or a different mouse button. middle mouse click perhaps.
Thank you again for all your hard work, I hope this is the right place for this.