Hi everyone,
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I really can't figure it out, I'm still fairly new to this program.
So my question is: is there a way to make Spine play one animation after another?
The way I do it now is: play animation1 and in the moment it finishes, I quickly press on animation2, to see what they look like together (or rather, what they look like one after another).
But is there a way to preview it in an easier way? For example to just select: play animation1, animation2, animation3 one after another?
Or maybe even like this: play animation1, animation2, animation2, animation2, animation3 (so play the first animation once, the second animation three times, and the last animation once).
I saw that there seem to be some options like that in preview, but it mixes my animations (mixes the keys?). And I don't want them to mix, I just want to see three whole animations one after another.
I hope that I explained that in an understandable way.. thanks for your help.