I noticed the mouth has deformation keys (because it has pink vertices), is it animated by being deformed then?
Do the head bone and the mouth bones have keys?
If I try to replicate this behavior, depending on the bone I parent this image with deform keys to, it will inherit the deformations of the new parent bone.
The images are subject to the deformations and keys of their parent bones. Any deformation that happens to the mesh is relative to the parent bone as well. If you change the parent bone, the deformation will still be relative to the new parent bone, therefore if the new parent bone doesn't have matching keys, your mesh can look incorrect.
This is one of the many reasons deforming meshes using bones to weight them to is preferrable to direct deformations, as they wouldn't be subject to such changes anymore, following the weighted bones instead.
My first advice would be to weight the mouth to a couple bones to get the deformation you want by animating the bones. This is something easy to maintain and apply to different skins as well, if you can, do this 😃
If using direct deformations is necessary you can overcome this obstacle like this:
- Duplicate the mouth slot to have a reference, move one of the slots under the new bone, and leave the other where it is so that you can use it as a reference of the position you'd like to have
- Switch to animate mode, the two meshes will have different positions. Move to the first frame that has a deform key. Make sure to have world axis selected.
- Select all 4 vertices of the mesh and press
, this will copy their position.
Tools - Spine User Guide: Transform copy
- Select the incorrect mesh vertices in the same order and press
to get the vertices in the correct position.
- To speed up the process, you can save the selection of the two meshes and recall them with a number:
Tools - Spine User Guide: Selection groups
- Repeat the process for all the keyframes that need to be fixed.