I have discovered some editor bugs, I'm on Mac Mojave 10.14.6 and Spine 3.8.84 Pro.
1) Normally, right mouse button pans the screen. But sometimes, after working for a while, suddenly right mouse zooms instead. Like it does when I hold CMD and RMB. Don't know if my CMD-button got stuck somehow, but restarting Spine helps when it happens.
2) I usually use A and D to play back and forth the animation. When I press the D key three times, it says "Are you sure you want to delete the animation?", and somehow i constantly delete keyframes when i try to stop and start the animation with D. I was looking
into the hotkeys.txt file (which I haven't changed) and found this:
Delete: DELETE
Can it be a bug, so it thinks that this also means the D key for delete? It's easy to replicate, I just hammer D a few times, sometimes I select a bone or something and press D.
The only key mapping to D is the Play forward, so it shouldn't delete I guess:
Play Forward: D
3) This is probably more a feature request, than a bug, but instictively when I select a row in the dopesheet and press DELETE (not D this time), i assume it will delete all keyframes, but instead it wants to delete the bone, or whatever is selected on the tree. Just something for you to think about. I think naturally it should only delete the bone/animation or whatever was selected/clicked. I assume it has to do with it selecting the current bone from the tree, and I didn't find an easy way to delete all keyframes with one button, but maybe there is?
Thanks a lot for an otherwise great application!